
Francesco Rotondi

Name Partner 


Degree from the Catholic University of Milan, J.D. 1991.

Bar Associations

Member of the Bar Association since 1994.


English and French.


Francesco Rotondi

Francesco Rotondi is the Founding Name Partner of LabLaw Studio Legale Rotondi & Partners.

Francesco is an adjunct professor of Labour Law at Cattaneo University – LIUC Castellanza.

In addition, he is also a licensed journalist in Italy and columnist.

Francesco Rotondi provides 360° labour law and industrial relations counsel to many of the most important Italian companies as well as international businesses with operations in Italy. He boasts a solid experience assisting with reorganization and restructuring plans, extraordinary and financial operations, trade union litigation, the management of contracts, and with the organization of the agency networks in the commercial and credit sectors.


His tasks also involve a broader vision of what may be defined as the future scenario of labour law. Francesco Rotondi is a recognised professional and authoritative leader of legal thought on the labour market also in the light of gig economy, Industry 4.0 and new industrial relations in the next global scenario.


He has a prestigious reputation in significant contexts, as a leading expert in the field of innovative policies in labour and new industrial relations; he is also the author of bills reflecting the new cultural paradigm.


In 2023 Francesco Rotondi’s authority was institutionally formalized as he was appointed as “Expert Counselor” of CNEL (National Council for Economics and Labour) by the Italian Presidency of the Republic and the Council.


Francesco commenced his professional career in 1991 with Trifirò & Partners, where he became Partner. In 2001, he joined Hammonds Rossotto as a Partner and Head of the Employment and Industrial Relations Department. In 2006, Francesco Rotondi founded LABLAW – one of the top employment and labour law firms in Italy.


Francesco is author of many publications and articles on labor law, work and trade unions, essays, scientific and academic publications, also in interdisciplinary matters, as well as being a director of the series of Licosia Editions “Work Has Changed. We Change The Rules”, established with the aim of developing an evolutionary vision of labor

law. In addition is Scientific Director of the series Franco Angeli “Work: views and insights.”




2023 to date | Name Partner

LabLaw Studio Legale Rotondi & Partners, Milan


2019-2023 | Managing Partner

LabLaw Studio Legale Rotondi & Partners, Milan


2006 | Founding Partner

LabLaw Studio Legale Rotondi & Partners, Milan


2001 – 2005 | Partner and Head of the

Employment and Industrial Relations Department

Hammonds & Rossotto (now R&P legal), Milan


1991 – 2001 | Partner

T&P Trifirò & Partners Avvocati, Milan





Inscription in the Special Register of Lawyers admitted to legal aid before the Court of Supreme Court and other Superior Jurisdictions



Specialization in Business Law at SDA BOCCONI (1998).



Admitted to the Bar. Member of the Milan Bar



Specialization in European Community Labor Law at the European Center of Labor Law and Industrial Relations – CEDRI.



Specialization in Business Organization and Human Resources Management (OEP – Organization and Personnel) at SDA BOCCONI



Degree in Law; maxima cum laude, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milan


Graduated thesis in Civil Law entitled “The opposition to mandatory rules”.



Speaker prof. Lawyer Francesco REALMONTE, professor of Civil Law, the thesis is an analysis of the reaction of the Legal System in the case of a contract concluded in violation of a mandatory rule.


Collaborated in the Chair of Civil Law at the University Cattolica del Sacro Cuore of Milan, as assistant of prof. lawyer Francesco Realmonte.





· Member of the International Bar Association (IBA)

· Member of the European Employment Lawyers Association (EELA)

· In addition, Francesco is a Member of the Board of Directors of the National Association of Personnel Directors (AIDP) of Lombardia, a member of the Italian Employment Lawyers Association (AGI), a Member of the Board of Arbitrators of ASSOLAVORO (CONFINDUSTRIA), as well as being a member of the Scientific Committee of Employment Law & Practice at IPSOA – the Italian Professional Institution of Corporate Organization.




Recognized as one of the leaders in the field of labor law and industrial relations, he has won numerous national and international awards and honors.

Industrial and Labor Relations Lawyer of the Year, as well as Labor Law Lawyer of the Year, he has been called “an outlier, always a key player in relevant transactions”. Appreciated and reported by clients for “his ability to offer well-rounded counseling support with a very lucid view of the labor market”; […] a standout lawyer in the Italian market who is applauded for his “excellent business acumen, deep knowledge of the matter, strategic view, innovation and determination”.

According to clients, “is very famous in Italy”, and comes highly recommended by market sources for his “long experience and strong communication and technical skills, for his determined approach, and his ability to guides clients to the right business solutions”.

Francesco is regularly recognized by the international legal community as a leader in his field.

In 2015, Francesco was the only Italian Labour Law expert listed among the 40 most influential under 50 years of age.


His most recent accolades include:


· Included in “Italian Legal & Tax Excellence” ranking as an “Elite” Professional in the “Employment litigation” section and “Selected” Professional in the “Employment” section, Milano Finanza – May 2024

· Special Award “Passaggio Generazionale 2023”; I Edizione – “Company for Generation Z”, Radar Academy Awards, September 2023

· Lawyer of the Year Restructuring & Reorganisations, Legalcommunity Labour Awards 2023, September 2023

· Winner of the Labour & Employment in Italy 2022- Client Choice Awards, London 2023

· Italian Employment Law – Best Lawyers 2010 – 2023

· Italian Employment Law – Who’s Who Legal 2011 – 2023

· Italian Employment Law – Legal 500 EMEA 2007 – 2023

· Recognised Practitioner – Italian Employment Law, Chamber Europe 2007 – 2023

· AIDP Award to the Managing Partner, Legalcommunity Labour Awards 2022, September 2022

· Lawyer of the Year Industrial and Trade Union Relations, Legalcommunity Labour Awards 2022, September 2022

· AIDP Award to the Managing Partner, Legalcommunity Labour Awards 2021, September 2021

· Sports Lawyer of the Year, Legalcommunity Labour Awards 2021, September 2021

· Ranked among the 100 excellences in Legal 2021 by Forbes Italy

· Lawyer of the Year Industrial Relations, TopLegal Awards 2020; 2018

· Lawyer of the Year Sports Law, Legalcommunity Labour Awards 2020, September 2020

· AIDP Legal Pioneer Award, Legalcommunity Labour Awards 2020, September 2020

· Ranked among the Elite Lawyers by Milano Finanza – Class Editori

· Best Lawyers and best Corporate Law Firms 2020, April 2020

· Ranked among the TOP 30 Lawyers on GQ – Italy, December 2019

· Ranked among the TOP 50 of the Italian business legal in 2019, MAG Legalcommunity November 2019

· Winner of the Labour & Employment in Italy 2019 – Client Choice Awards, London 2020

· Lawyer of the Year, LegalCommunity Labour Awards 2019

· Lawyer of the Year – Media, TopLegal Industry Awards 2019

· AA Ranking for Italian Employment Law, LegalCommunity Labour Report 2018

· Italian Employment Lawyer of the Year, LegalCommunity Labour Awards 2018

· Lawyer of The Year, Le Fonti Awards 2018

· Employment, Labour and Benefits Lawyer of The Year, Lawyer Monthly Legal Awards 2017

· Lawyer of the Year, Trade Union and Industrial Relations, TopLegal Awards 2017

· Lawyer of the Year Counsel, LegalCommunity Labour Awards 2017

· Advisory Lawyer of the Year, LegalCommunity Labour Awards 2017

· Lawyer of the Year | Sport, TopLegal Industry Awards 2017

· Lawyer of the Year Litigation, TopLegal Awards 2016

· Lawyer of the Year, Trade Union and Industrial Relations, LegalCommunity Labour Awards 2013 – 2016




· Scientific Director of the Ipsoa Master “The employment contract: tools, negotiation techniques and opportunities”

· Scientific Director Human Resources Workshop, HR Link- States-General of the World of Work

· Direttore Scientifico del Master in diritto del lavoro, industriale e della gestione delle parti sociali “HR & Labour Law”

· Scientific Director of the Master in Labour Law, Industrial and Social Partners Management “HR & Labour Law” of TopLegal Academy – I Edition 2021

· Member of the University Commission for the creation of the Consolidated Text of Laws and Regulations on Universities constituted at the MIUR, Ministry of Education, University and Research (since March 2019)

· SDA Professor, Bocconi School of Business Management; ISTUD, Institute for Management Studies S.p.A. and ISPER, Institute for Personnel Management

· Lecturer at the most important HR associations: AIDP (Italian Association of Personnel Directors), HRCommunity Academy and GIDP (Intersectorial Group of Personnel Directors)

· Professor of the Executive Masters MBA, Graduate School of Business, at MIP – Politecnico di Milano 2017 (industrial relations and M&A record)

· Lecturer of the Executive Master in Communication & Human Resources at IULM – Free University of Languages and Communication (II edition 2019-2020)

· Member of the university commission for the creation of the Consolidated Text of the legislative provisions and regulations on the universities established at the Department for Higher Education and Research of MIUR, Ministry of Education, University and Research (March 2019 – Present)

· Lecturer at Paradigma, International Research Institute, ISTUD, SDA Bocconi, ISPER, CEGOS, etc

· Member of the Labor Law and Practice Scientific Committee – IPSOA

· Professor for the Masters Course: The Work Relationship During a Company Crisis – IPSOA 2017

· Professor for the Masters Course: The Work Relationship and Corporate Organisation – IPSOA 2017

· Educational Coordinator for the Masters Course: Employment Law and Corporate Organisation – IPSOA 2016

· Adjunct Professor at the European University of Rome.

· Professor of Labour Law at the University of Rome (“Tor Vergata”) – Master OPL

· Professor at Italian Employment Lawyers Association (AGI) of Lombardia

· Professor at the Executive Studies Institute (ISTUD)

· Professor at the Institute of Personnel Management (ISPER)

· Scholar at The Labour Law Institute at the University of Milan – Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore

· Professor for the Masters Course: Sport Law at the University of Milan

· Member of the Justice Commission of the 2nd degree for the Federal Council of the Italian Kickboxing Federation.




· Advisory Board Member of the exhibition “Work on Work – work at the service of work (WOW)”- Ferrara Expo Srl – from February 2024

· Coordinator Working Group “Study activities, analysis and legislative proposal in relation to the issues of protection and support of Made in Italy, industrial policy and competitiveness of enterprises,” within the I CNEL Government Commission for “Economic Policies – Industrial Activities,” February 2024

· “Expert Counselor” of The National Council for Economics and Labour (CNEL), september 2023

· Technical Advisor within the Technical Scientific Committee of the States General of the World of Labor comprising all Ministers of Labor of the Italian Republic from 2000 to the present

· Member of the Working Group for Expo Dubai 2020 established in November 2018 at the Department for Higher Education and Research of MIUR, Ministry of Education, University and Research

· Coordinator of the Scientific Committee of the IULM Partner Companies – Free University of Languages and Communication (2019-2020)

· Legal advisor to the Board of Directors of ALIS (Logistics Association of Sustainable Intermodality) in the planning of the 2019 objectives, including the development of the associative network, the establishment of ALIS Europe and the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding on Industrial Relations on May 20th, 2019

· Member of the Board of Arbitrators of Assolavoro (Confidustria)

· Collaboration with the most important Italian Industrial Associations

· President of the Committee of Guarantors of the Region of Lombardy | Medical Management 2002-2005




Francesco Rotondi is Scientific Director Franco Angeli Series “Work: points of view and points of oversight”.

Francesco Rotondi is director of the Licosia Editions, Series of book “Work has changed. Let’s change the rules”, established in 2018 with the aim of developing an evolutionary vision of labor law. He also is the author of numerous books and articles on employment law and trade union matters.


· Diritto & Pratica del Lavoro, IPSOA

· Il Lavoro nella Giurisprudenza, IPSOA

· Guida al Lavoro, Il Sole 24 Ore

· Avvocati 24, Il Sole 24 Ore

· Il Quotidiano Unico, IPSOA

· Guida alle Paghe, IPSOA

· Leggi di Lavoro, rivista giuridica dei consulenti del lavoro, Fondazione Studi Consulenti del Lavoro

· Sintesi, rassegna di giurisprudenza e dottrina, Commissione Studi e Ricerche dell’Ordine dei Consulenti del Lavoro

· HR Online, AIDP; Dir. Pers, AIDP


Scientific Publications


· “Diritto, Economia e Società del Salario Minimo Legale in corrispondenza al concetto di Reddito Civile correlato al PIL” – Lavoro Diritti Europa 3/2023;

· Il Decreto trasparenza: risvolti applicativi dopo il Decreto lavoro – Giuffrè Edition – October 2023 (by)

· “Green Pass in the workplace”. Decree Law 127/21 of 21.09.2021- Lablaw Papers, September 2021 (ed.)

· Human Resource Management: The levers of change, Top Legal Academy, June 2021 (ed.)

· Vaccinazioni in azienda, Guida pratica lavoro, privacy, penale – Lablaw Papers, April 2021 (by)

· Lavoro e Previdenza, IPSOA InPratica, March 2021 (co-author)

· e-book “HR e lavoro a distanza. Lavoro remotizzato, orario di lavoro, performance, protocolli, retribuzione, welfare e gestione crisi occupazionale”, IPSOA, Collana Explico Series, July 2020 (co-author)

· #Decreto Rilancio – Guida operativa alle misure con impatti Labour – Lablaw Papers, May 2020 (by)

· Ammortizzatori Sociali – IPSOA – April 2022

· Lavoro e Previdenza, IPSOA InPratica, March 2022 (co-author)

· Lavoro e Previdenza, IPSOA InPratica, April 2020 (co-author)

· e-book “Emergenza sanitaria e gestione del personale” (coautore), manuale operativo per orientarsi tra norme, divieti e opportunità gestionali, aggiornato alla Legge di conversione del decreto “Cura Italia” e al DPCM 26 aprile 2020 Fase2, 2020

· Guide Operative “Covid-19”, per una corretta gestione del personale dipendente” (12 and 24 March 2020, co-author)

· Lavoro e Previdenza, IPSOA InPratica, april 2019 (co-author)

· Privacy e Human Resources – E-book IPSOA, Guide to GDPR, June 2018

· Formulario del Lavoro, Giuffrè Edition, June 2018

· Formulario Commentato processo di cognizione – III Edition, Book II Title IV – Norme per le controversie in materia di lavoro, IPSOA, May 2018 (co-author)

· Lavoro e Previdenza, IPSOA InPratica, April 2018 (co-author)

· Riforma degli Ammortizzatori Sociali – IPSOA, 2017

· Diritto del Lavoro e delle Relazioni Industriali – IPSOA, 2017

· Job Rules in Italy – Labour Law and industrial relations, IPSOA, 2015 (co-author)

· Diritto del Lavoro e delle Relazioni Industriali – IPSOA, October 2014

· Codice commentato del rapporto di lavoro. Dottrina e giurisprudenza – IPSOA, Jenuary 2014

· Licenziamenti individuali – E-Book Collana “Lavoro e Previdenza” – Wolters Kluwer, November 2013

· Codice del Lavoro. Costituzioni e Leggi Fondamentali (co-author) – IPSOA, 2012

· Il Nuovo Lavoro. Cosa cambia per aziende e dipendenti. Legge 28 giugno 2012, n.92, Collana “Riforma del Lavoro” in 9 volumi, IPSOA July 2012 (co-author)

· Appalto, somministrazione, contratto a termine, IPSOA, 2012 (co-author)

· La somministrazione di lavoro. Differenze con il contratto a termine e l’appalto di servizi, Giuffrè Edition, 2012

· I licenziamenti collettivi, IPSOA, 2008

· Codice commentato del rapporto di lavoro, IPSOA, 2008

· Corso di diritto del lavoro, CEDAM, 2008

· Codice del lavoro – normativa e prassi, IPSOA, 2007

· Manuale pratico di diritto del lavoro, CEDAM, 2005

· Il comportamento antisindacale, CEDAM, 2004

· Il codice del rapporto di lavoro privato, LA TRIBUNA, 2003 (co-author)

· Il rapporto di lavoro temporaneo, IPSOA, 2000



· Jobs act forever” – Rubbettino Edition, april 2022

· “Com’è cambiato il mondo del lavoro in Italia e come cambierà. Dialogo con sei Ministri del Lavoro protagonisti degli ultimi 25 anni” – Rubbettino Edition, September 2021

· “Agile, Smart, da casa” – i nuovi mondi del lavoro – Franco Angeli, May 2021

· “Generazione Z e lavoro”, co-author together with Paolo Iacci, Franco Angeli, March 2020

· Preface of the book “Guardo il mondo (del lavoro) da un oblò”, edited by Antonio Calcò Labruzzo, dal titolo “un giorno crescerò e nel cielo della vita volerò”, Licosia Editions, Series of book “Work has changed. Let’s change the rules”, Jenuary 2020

· Collaboration on the book by Nunziante Mastrolia “Dalla Società Fordista alla Società digitale”, redazione capitolo “il welfare nelle relazioni industriali” – Licosia Editions, Series of book “Work has changed. Let’s change the rules”, December 2019

· Preface of the book by Tatiana Coviello, “Nemmeno gli struzzi lo fanno più – Vivere bene con l’intelligenza artificiale” – Licosia Editions, series of book Series “Work has changed. Let’s change the rules”, October 2019

· Preface of the book by Elisabetta Dallavalle, “Tutta questione di benessere” – Licosia Editions, series of book “Work has changed. Let’s change the rules”, March 2019

· Preface of the book by Pino Mercuri, “Il futuro del lavoro spiegato a mia figlia” – Licosia Editions, series of book “Il lavoro è cambiato. Cambiamo le regole”, November 2018

· “Jobs App, un nuovo contratto di lavoro per l’economia digitale” – Guerini Next Editions, 2018 (co-author with Luca Solari)

· “Lavoro e relazioni industriali al tempo della crisi e del Jobs Act” – Welfare Annual Report 2016, “Il punto di vista dei professionisti del lavoro – Franco Angeli, 2016 (co-author)

· “Flessibilità Vs Precarietà, il Jobs Act di Matteo Renzi da che parte sta?” – Rubbettino Edition, 2015

· “Dialoghi sulle relazioni industriali, la contrattazione collettiva dopo Marchionne”, MIND 201

Professional associations

Francesco Rotondi is a member of the International Bar Association (IBA), the Italian Employment Lawyers Association (AGI), the European Employment Lawyers Association (EELA). In addition, Francesco is a Member of the Board of Directors of the National Association of Personnel Directors (AIDP) of Lombardia, a Member of CONFINDUSTRIA, as well as being a member of the Scientific Committee of Employment Law & Practice at IPSOA – the Italian Professional institution of Corporate Organisation.


Institutional and associative assignments

– Technical Advisor within the Scientific Technical Committee of the States General of the World of Labour including all the Ministers of Labour of the Italian Republic since 2000 (constitution, September 2020)
– Member of the Scientific Committee of the IULM University Foundation of Milan, at the Ministry of Education, University and Research Cabinet Office
– Component of the Working Group for Expo Dubai 2020 constituted in November 2018 at the Department for Higher Education and Research of the MIUR, Ministry of Education, University and Research
– Legal advisor to the Board of Directors of ALIS (Sustainable Intermodal Logistics Association) in planning 2019 objectives, including the development of the association network, the establishment of Alis Europe and the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding on Industrial Relations on 20 May 2019. Lablaw is ALIS’ exclusive partner for all matters relating to labour law and industrial relations management.
– Collaborator of the main industrial associations in the country
– Member of the Board of Arbitrators of ASSOLAVORO (CONFINDUSTRIA)
– Chairman of the Committee of Guarantors of the Lombardy Region for Medical Management for the years 2002/2005


Francesco Rotondi is Director of the Licosia Edizioni series “Il lavoro è cambiato. Let’s change the rules”, born in 2018 with the aim of developing an evolutionary vision of labour law; he is also the Editorial Director of KongNews, an online journalistic publication specialised on labour, business, economy, with over 250,000 unique monthly readers.

Since 2021, Francesco Rotondi has also been the Director of the Editorial Series “Lavoro: spunti di vista e punti di svista” published by FrancoAngeli, which aims to address the most relevant and topical issues concerning labour law, always through the perspective of two different authors with opposing points of view. The aim is not to highlight differences but to learn more about the ideas of each in order to promote points of contact.

A columnist for the most important newspapers, he has always been the author of numerous essays and scientific publications on labour law and collaborates with many specialised journals in the field of labour law, including: Diritto & Pratica del Lavoro, IPSOA; Il Lavoro nella Giurisprudenza, IPSOA; Guida al Lavoro, Il Sole 24 Ore; Avvocati 24, Il Sole 24 Ore; Il Quotidiano Unico, IPSOA; Guida alle Paghe, IPSOA; Leggi di Lavoro, rivista giuridica dei consulenti del lavoro, Fondazione Studi Consulenti del Lavoro; Sintesi, rassegna di giurisprudenza e doctrina, Commissione Studi e Ricerche dell’Ordine dei Consulenti del lavoro; HR online, AIDP; Dir. Pers, AIDP.




Scientific Publications

– Human Resource Management: The levers of change, Top Legal Academy, June 2021 (ed.)
– Vaccinations in the company, Practical guide work, privacy, criminal law – Lablaw Papers April 2021 (ed.)
– e-book “HR and remote working. Remote work, working time, performance, protocols, compensation, welfare and employment crisis management”, IPSOA, Explico Series, July 2020 (co-author)
– #Decreto Rilancio – An operational guide to measures with Labour impacts – Lablaw Papers, May 2020 (ed.)
– Lavoro e Previdenza, IPSOA InPratica, April 2020 (co-author)
– e-book ” Health emergency and personnel management” (co-author), an operational handbook to navigate through regulations, prohibitions and management opportunities, updated to the Law converting the “Cura Italia” decree and the DPCM 26 April 2020 Phase2
– Guide Operative “Covid-19”, for a correct management of employees (12 and 24 March 2020, co-author)
– Labour and Welfare, IPSOA InPratica, April 2019 (co-author)
– Privacy and Human Resources – E-book IPSOA, Guide to GDPR, June 2018
– Labour Law Commentary, Giuffrè Editore, June 2018
– Commentary form: process of cognition – III Edition, Book II Title IV, IPSOA, May 2018 (co-author)
– Work and Welfare, IPSOA InPratica, April 2018 (co-author);
– The Social Security Reform, IPSOA, 2017
– Labour Law and Industrial Relations – IPSOA, 2017
– Job Rules in Italy – Labour Law and industrial relations, IPSOA, 2015 (co-author)
– Labour Law and Industrial Relations – IPSOA, October 2014
– Annotated code of labour relations. Doctrine and jurisprudence – IPSOA, January 2014
– Individual dismissals – E-Book Series “Lavoro e Previdenza” – Wolters Kluwer, November 2013
– Labour Code. Constitutions and Basic Laws (co-author) – IPSOA, 2012
– The New Labour. What changes for companies and employees. Law 28 June 2012, n.92, Series “Riforma del Lavoro” in 9 volumes, IPSOA July 2012 (co-author)
– Subcontracting, administration, fixed-term contracts, IPSOA, 2012 (co-author)
– Work administration. Differenze con il contratto a termine e l’appalto di servizi, GIUFFRÉ EDITORE, 2012
– Collective dismissals, IPSOA, 2008
– Commented code of the employment relationship, IPSOA, 2008
– Labour law course, CEDAM, 2008
– Labour code – legislation and practice, IPSOA, 2007
– Practical handbook of labour law, CEDAM, 2005
– Anti-syndicate behaviour, CEDAM, 2004
– Code of private employment relationship, LA TRIBUNA, 2003 (co-author)
– The temporary employment relationship, IPSOA, 2000






– “Agile, Smart, from home. The new worlds of work”, Franco Angeli, May 2021
– “Generation Z and work”, co-authored with Paolo Iacci, Franco Angeli, March 2020
– Preface to the book “Guardo il mondo (del lavoro) da un oblò” (I look at the world (of work) from a porthole), edited by Antonio Calcò Labruzzo, entitled “un giorno crescerò e nel cielo della vita volerò” (One day I will grow up and fly in the sky of life), Licosia Edizioni, series “Il lavoro è cambiato. Let’s change the rules”, January 2020
– Collaboration on the book by Nunziante Mastrolia “Dalla Società Fordista alla Società digitale” (From Fordist Society to Digital Society), editing chapter “il welfare nelle relazioni industriali” (welfare in industrial relations) – Licosia Edizioni, series “Work has changed. Let’s change the rules”, December 2019
– Preface to the book by Tatiana Coviello, “Nemmeno gli struzzi lo fanno più.  Vivere bene con l’intelligenza artificiale” (Not even ostriches do it anymore – Living well with artificial intelligence) – Licosia Edizioni, series “Work has changed. Let’s change the rules”, October 2019
– Preface to the book by Elisabetta Dallavalle, “Tutta questione di benessere” (All about welfare) – Licosia Edizioni, series “Work has changed. Let’s change the rules”, March 2019
– Preface to the book by Pino Mercuri, “Il futuro del lavoro spiegato a mia figlia” (The future of work explained to my daughter) – Licosia Edizioni, series “Work has changed. Let’s change the rules”, November 2018
– “Jobs App, a new labour contract for the digital economy” – Edizioni Guerini Next, 2018 (co-authored with Luca Solari)
– “Lavoro e relazioni industriali al tempo della crisi e del Jobs Act” (Labour and industrial relations in times of crisis and the Jobs Act) – Welfare Annual Report 2016. The point of view of labour professionals .- Franco Angeli, 2016 (co-author)
– Flexibility Vs Precariousness, which side is Matteo Renzi’s Jobs Act on? – Rubbettino Publisher, 2015
– Dialogues on industrial relations, collective bargaining after Marchionne MIND 2012

Teaching activities

He regularly lectures and provides training and refresher courses for companies, and is a regular speaker at numerous specialist conferences on the subject for the most important Italian academic institutions. Among other teaching activities, he has recently collaborated with the MIP – Politecnico di Milano – Graduate School of Business, in the context of the Executive MBA Masters.

During his career, he has held the following academic positions and has been/is the holder of the following official and institutional teaching courses:

– Scientific Director of “Officina Risorse Umane” convention, HR Link – Stati Generali Mondo del Lavoro – 2021
– Scientific Director of the Master in Labour Law, Industrial Law and Management of Social Partners “HR & Labour Law” of Top Legal Academy – I Edition 2021
– Member of the University Commission for the drafting of the Consolidated Text of Legislative and Regulatory Provisions on Universities established at MIUR, Ministry of Education, University and Research (from March 2019);
– Adjunct Professor of Labour Law c/o Carlo Cattaneo University – LIUC (since 2013)
– Coordinator of the Scientific Committee of IULM Partner Companies – Free University of Languages and Communication (2019-2020);
– Adjunct Professor of Industrial Relations Law c/o European University of Rome;
– Professor of Labour Law at the University of Rome “Tor Vergata” – Master OPL;
– Didactic Coordinator of the IPSOA 2016 Master in Labour Law and Business Organisation;
– Professor of labour law at the Institute of Labour Law, Catholic University of Milan;
– Lecturer at the Scuola di Alta Formazione Professionale della Lombardia AGI, Associazione Giuslavoristi Italiani;
– Member of the Scientific Committee of Diritto & Pratica del Lavoro, IPSOA.

He has also lectured as part of the following post-graduate and further education courses:

– Lecturer in the Executive Master in Communication & Human Resources at IULM “Libera Università di Lingue e Comunicazione” (Free University of Languages and Communication) (2nd edition 2019-2020);
– Lecturer at SDA, Bocconi School of Management; ISTUD (Institute for Management Studies) and ISPER (Institute for Personnel Management);
– Speaker for the most important HR associations: AIDP (Italian Association of Personnel Managers), HRCommunity Academy and GIDP (Gruppo Intersettoriale Direttori del Personale);
– Lecturer in the MBA Executive Masters, Graduate School of Business, at MIP – Politecnico di Milano 2017 (testimony on industrial relations and M&A);
– Lecturer in labour law within the Master IPSOA “I rapporti di lavoro nella crisi aziendale” (Labour relations in corporate crisis) (2017) and the Master “Diritto del lavoro e organizzazione aziendale” (Labour law and company organisation) (2017);
– Speaker at the training meetings organised by the Technical Scientific Committee of the Italian Professional Football League (Lega Italiana Calcio Professionistico – Lega PRO) and LIUC University (2014);
– Lecturer for the Master of Sports Law at the University of Milan (2013).

Sports assignments

– Vice-President Born To Fight (BTF), a sports association founded with the aim of promoting MMA (mixed martial arts) in Italy
– President of the Federal Court of Appeal within the Italian Kickboxing Federation (FIKBMS)
– Member of the Board of Arbitrators of the National League of Professional B Series


Accolades & awards

Recognised as one of the leaders in the field of labour law and industrial relations, he is the only labour lawyer in the list of 40 lawyers under 50 and has won numerous national and international awards and recognitions. He has been described by the market as “an outstanding lawyer, always involved in significant transactions. Appreciated and recommended by clients for his ability to offer “all-round consulting support with a very lucid view of the labour market”.



  • Inclusion in Forbes Italy’s 2021 list of 100 legal excellences
  • Labour and Industrial Relations Lawyer of the Year – TopLegal Awards 2020, December 2020
  • Sports Lawyer of the Year – Legalcommunity Labour Awards 2020, September 2020
  • AIDP Award to the Legal Pioneer – Legalcommunity Labour Awards 2020, September 2020
  • Included in the ranking of Elite Lawyers, Milano Finanza – Class Editori,
  • Best Lawyers and Best Corporate Law Firms 2020, April 2020
  • Included in the TOP 30 LAWYERS ranking on GQ Italia, December 2019
  • Included in the ranking of the 50 number 1 Italian business lawyers in 2019, MAG Legalcommunity, November 2019
  • Lawyer of the Year – Legalcommunity Labour Awards 2019
  • Lawyer of the Year – Media – Top Legal Industry Awards 2019
  • AA Ranking for Italian Employment Law – LegalCommunity Labour Report 2019
  • Top 5 Employment Lawyers in Italy | Le Fonti 2019 Legal 300 Rankings
  • Professional of the Year in Labour and Social Security Law – Top Legal Awards Rome 2018
  • Lawyer of the Year – Legalcommunity Labour Awards 2018
  • Lawyer of the Year – Le Fonti Awards 2018
  • AA Ranking for Italian Employment Law – LegalCommunity Labour Report 2018
  • Lawyer of the Year – Trade Union and Industrial Relations Law – Top Legal Awards 2017
  • Lawyer of the Year – Consulting, Legalcommunity Labour Awards 2017
  • Lawyer of the Year Employment Law, Le Fonti CEO Summit & Awards 2017
  • Lawyer of the Year Sport, Top Legal Industry Awards 2017
  • Labour Lawyer of the Year – Litigation, Top Legal Awards 2016
  • Labour / Trade Union Relations Lawyer of the Year, LegalCommunity Labour Awards 2016
  • Only labour lawyer ranked among the 40 most influential lawyers “under 50” in Italy 2015
  • Employment Lawyer of the Year, Le Fonti CEO Summit & Awards 2015
  • Legalcommunity Special Award, LegalCommunity Labour Awards 2014
  • Band 1 – Market leader in the category Trade Union and Industrial Relations Law, Top Legal, Labour Report 2013
  • Trade Union and Industrial Relations Lawyer of the Year, LegalCommunity Labour Awards 2013
  • Lawyer of the Year, LegalCommunity Labour Awards 2012
    TopLegal Awards 2010 – 2012 Labour Professional of the Year – Nominee




  • Italian Employment Law – Legal 500 EMEA 2007 – 2021
  • Recognised Practitioner – Italian Employment Law – Chamber Europe 2007 – 2021
  • Italian Employment Law – Best Lawyers 2010 – 2021
  • Italian Employment Law – Who’s Who Legal 2011 – 2021
  • Client Choice – Italian Employment Law – Lexology 2020
  • Employment, Labour and Benefit Lawyer of the Year – Lawyer Monthly Legal Awards 2017
  • The Lawyer European Awards 2012 European Managing Partner of the Year – Nominee
  • Legal Week Awards 2010 – 2011 European Managing Partner of the Year – Nominee
  • PLC Which Lawyer? 2006 – 2012
  • European Legal Experts 2007 – 2013
  • Best of the Best 2010 – 2012
  • Expert Guides 2007 – 2009 – 2011- 2013 – 2019
  • Chambers Global 2004 – 2006