26 Mar Coronavirus Employer Operative Guide – An Update
The situation is moving very quickly in Italy in terms of COVID-19 and it is a challenge for Employers to keep up with the changes …
LABLAW has always been at the service of managers and companies. With the coronavirus emergency LABLAW has developed an Operating Guide for the correct management of employees in Italy which has been updated with the new provisions provided for in the Italian Prime Minister’s Decree of March 11th, 2020.
We are all called, without exception, to a gesture of extraordinary social and civil responsibility in these moments, with the primary, essential, vital aim of curbing contagion and minimizing any risk of further spread of the infectious disease COVID-19.
The situation that is impacting Italy has no comparison in the recent history of our country, and this perfectly renders the idea of the extraordinary nature of the moment – as well as the emergency measures that the Italian Government is taking which is heavily impacting the operations of companies, subjecting organizations to a stress which has not been experienced before.
Extraordinary is the concept which must always be kept in mind, just reading the newspapers – trusting that sooner or later there will be a return to normality … also in terms of the legal provisions currently being implemented which change day after day.
These, in particular, are dictated by the urgent need to manage the on-going health crisis process, and therefore the new laws are very often written in a hurry and hence at times are lacking clarity thus creating confusion and dystonia with the rules that preceded them just a day or two before .
What is worse, State provisions often conflict with Regional ones which are sometimes even more stringent – imposing restrictions on mobility and production that are not at all foreseen at the national level. This also includes the practical application that law enforcement officers appointed to control the situation.
All of this must be taken into consideration at the moment by companies. This is also why LABLAW has made this Operating Guide available to everyone – in order to provide interpretative clarity, for the benefit of all the actors, offering indications which are operationally easy and that can support companies in the management of employees.